Nina Von Feldman



Nina Von Feldmann

As a perpetually curious, student Nina studies and plays at the interface between science and the mysteries of the Universe. For many decades, she has connected with and dedicated herself to anchoring and amplifying global acupuncture nodes. She works with the intelligence of water and the weaving of light and sound frequencies for restoring health and harmony.

As a h’artist and ceremonialist, she has collaborated with and produced for the Oracle Gatherings, Watersines Tone Poems, Imagine Festival, Blooming Heart, and founded the DreamDance ceremonies in Seattle.

Now, living alongside the free flowing White Salmon river, she’s stewarding the land and gardens with her Beloveds at Shining Heart Sanctuary in the Columbia Gorge. She continues to pour her heart, body and mind into her healing practice, her dance, her creations, and inventions. She continues ongoing research into the fields of holistic skin and healthcare, nutrition, sound and light technologies, plant medicine, regenerative agriculture, sustainable building, quantum bio energetic science, and the effects of bringing people together with intention for healing and transformation.